👀 Altcoins unleashed 3rd Edition

Bitcoin is a powerhouse, but the money is within the altcoins and opportunities are everywhere.


4 min read Jan 30, 2024

👀 Altcoins unleashed 3rd Edition

Money is made in alts, not in BTC, these are our newly listed token projects.

We make investment choices in our lives every day... But investing in cryptocurrency is a whole new game.

There is money on the line and no one wants to lose that, right? In fact, the aim is to make millions and retire... But that is also not so easy either.

However, it has and does happen, even to the majority of investors who have very little to invest. The problem is... how do you find what will make you potential money?

Now that is an answer we wished we had too, but sadly nothing is 100% predictable, which is why risking only what you can afford to lose is important.

Let's jump into some stuff that can help to increase your chances of profiting with crypto investing 👇

🧠 The power of the numbers

Now... we are sure you've heard and perhaps even invested into Bitcoin, but we have some bad news for you.

Bitcoin is not the place for investors to dump most of their money, especially if you have very little to invest in the first place.

Let's do some math... and yes, we'll try to get this over quickly. If you have $100 and you invest that into Bitcoin and it goes up by 70%, which within the next bull run, is entirely possible... You'll see your investment of $100 turn into $170. It is profit, but it isn't exactly mouth watering is it?

Now let's say you invested into an altcoin instead, in this case we'll use Verasity

If you now invested the same $100 and it saw a gain of 1500%, which could also be a possibility in the bull run... you'd now have $1600 from your initial investment.

This is the power of the numbers...

Here is an extreme example, but with a 54,000x on $PEPE this shows that getting into projects early, when the market cap is super low, you have the biggest chance for incredible returns.

This cannot happen with Bitcoin due to its incredibly high market cap of roughly $844B.

The formula is simple...

Lower market cap = Higher potential return.

But that isn't always the case, and the risk of losing your funds is entirely possible, which is why research and understanding is also a vital part of the process.

Now those were just examples above, not predictions. But the point highlighted is that the big projects like Bitcoin and Ethereum are safer but are also likely to see much lower returns than the altcoins that are nowhere near them in value.

Opportunities are everywhere, you've just got to look and do your research, but always be vigilant as the crypto world can be daunting and cruel at times.

💡 Newly listed tokens 

AURI Buy AURI with Flooz - Auri Inc Token makes NFT Transactions easier and can be used to buy any goods and services that AURI Inc or its subsidiaries sell

MICKEY Buy $MICKEY with Flooz - Steamboat Willie the first coin using the public domain Mickey Mouse known as Steamboat Willie $MICKEY

Surfboard Buy $BOARD with Flooz - A revolutionary web platform managed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that leverages decentralized technology to scan users' wallets, calculate their net worth, and provide tailored advice to optimize their investment portfolios

Elosys Buy $ELO with Flooz - A decentralized blockchain delivering truly anonymous, untraceable transactions. Built on PoW consensus and zkSNARKs data protection protocol for total confidentiality (Zero Knowledge Proof)

DeFiChain Token Buy $DFI with Flooz - A blockchain dedicated to fast, intelligent and transparent decentralized financial services, accessible by everyone

Flying Avocado Cat Buy $FAC with Flooz - Flying Avocado Cat is the first token created by Grok AI. It's quite simple

NoGas Buy $NGS with Flooz - The first token on the Ethereum Blockchain that allows free gas, made possible with Paymasters EIP 4337

GROK Buy $GROK with Flooz - GROK is establishing a community of GROK AI enthusiasts who want to save the world and love making memes while doing it

AITECH Buy $AITECH with Flooz - Paving the way for a more convenient and secure future by providing solutions using the blockchain, AI and high performance computing power

Poldo Buy $POLDO with Flooz - Tirelessly collaborated with developers, igniting a revitalization in the Polygon network. This first dog meme token transformed Polygon into a vibrant ecosystem, saving it from obscurity

COINS & SKINS Buy $SKINS with Flooz - Coins and Skins are committed to driving the adoption of web3 gaming by providing a user-friendly and intuitive platform that seamlessly integrates blockchain technology into the gaming ecosystem

Ferret AI Buy $FERRET with Flooz - Ferret is a new open-source multimodal LLM that can use regions of images for queries

CULO Buy $CULO with Flooz - $CULO is not only THE MEME OF POLYGON. This majestic $CULO is a movement, a culture for many. $CULO is passion, love, cake & much more!

CODEX Buy $CODEX with Flooz - Take control of your crypto venture, with our services, we will elevate your token to a new level. Choose CODEX for a cutting-edge future in the Ethereum blockchain and beyond!

Minu Buy $MINU with Flooz - Minu is the first mining dog coin on Binance Smart Chain. With its own decentralized app, Minu is giving an 8% daily return to its miners in forms of BNB

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